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Selasa, 01 November 2011

Creative Writing (Compare between the hunger and the rich))

Life is a gift to be thankful for, gasp for breath that we breathe free, the health that we get is a sign of God's love for each creation.
Even in different places around the outposts, all can feel how love and goodness of God in each of our lives. From the famous to the ordinary people who could not even though, all can enjoy the goodness of God. Although there are differences and it is seen clearly in terms of material or physical, such as the example of a child starving in Gaza and a child who successful in the field of entertainment and get a decent livelihood.

It can be seen clearly with the naked eye and can be compared so that the resulting variety of questions such as
1. How can it happen?
2. Is there any luck?
3. What causes it and how one can be judged as a successful and how one can be seen as a difficult person?

From some of these questions can we know that all things in this world full of questions and there is no doubt all things happen according to God's will.
From the picture above, we can know some fundamental differences, let us look in more detail
Justin Bieber became a sensation in the United States in 2009 after being discovered by Scooter Braun through a local singing competition video "Stratford Star" in Ontario, published on YouTube by Justin's mother in 2007, where Justin was ranked second. Some information told that Justin Bieber is son of Jeremy Jack Bieber (father) and Patricia (Pattie) Lynn Mallette (mother) where 18-year-old mother in childbirth Justin. The couple separated at the time of Justin Bieber 2 years old. At the age of 4 years Justin enrolled at the school to play drums by his mother and began studying piano at age 7 and guitar at age 10. When the middle school he learned to play trumpet. At the age of 12 years, Justin's singing contest in his hometown, Stratford, and won the second prize. Since then he began documenting his performance and upload it on Youtube, for friends who could not see it appear. In some videos, Justin sang songs some famous singers.

Then let's look at poverty and hunger in Gaza. Many children who experience hunger, even the cries and lamentations they frequently we hear and see. Obtained from several sources, poverty in Gaza caused by the war between Israel and the Palestinians. This led to hundreds or even thousands of people died. The researchers found that prolonged poverty, stress and other environmental factors such as war and deprivation of basic needs, which happened in Gaza directly affects the child's intelligence, and of course affect the prospects for their lives. From the information we received and we can see, it can be concluded that the things pertaining to life and welfare, all in the hands of God and everything must be changed we surrender completely to God.

A second example of the difference in the lives above picture is that we must learn and make the experience of life. There are still many examples of other life that we can learn, not only in the life of a starving child and Justin are living well off. Side of a supportive environment and luck also affect the life and progress. Justin is lucky to have parents who are able to understand and the environment that is supportive of his friends to go ahead and make vocals flourish in the world can flourish and grow. While children are starving and destitute, not experience such things. Although he has parents who are saying to him and understand the situation, but the environment at that time was not able to guarantee its future, so the growth is stunted and he had. Everything in this world is set up and has been used as an absolute must. Life is a choice, if something has been selected and we must carry it out and suffer the consequences alone. Other things that should be remembered and used as a lesson in life is to trust God's will and surrender completely to Him. If it has been fulfilled, we can to do this for fun and take responsibility for what has been selected.

Minggu, 25 September 2011

Creative Writing

Sometimes we heard someone told the other or spoken the word creatively, as examples we heard "creative person", “his writing is very creative”, "and so forth. But are we know the true meaning of creative? According to me creative is something different from the others or may issue a new thing that never occurred before. Creative has a different meaning with different word aids, such as:
• Creative ideas are ideas that never occurred to anyone not even imagined by anyone. An idea which is then used and applied by a person or company.
• Creative person is a person who has a high power of imagination that could produce things new. Creative person is one who can play his ideas. In addition, creative people are also people who brave exclude ideas with his own creativity and dare to action to create the new things. Usually a creative individual who has an independent nature. He does not feel bound by the values and norms prevailing in the area of expertise. He has a system of values and appreciation of living alone systems that may not be embraced by the community as crowded.
There are various creative that can be poured into forms, such as:
• Creative in terms of making roads, buildings, bridges, and so forth.
• Creative in terms of art, as art music, visual arts, dance and other arts.
• Creative in terms of learning in the school such as generating new ideas in every issue, capable of answering questions with a new idea.
Some things you can do to foster creative, among others:

1. Reading
With a lot of reading, we fill our minds with the materials in the form of pieces of information that can be analogous to collect the pieces puzzle. Reading should not be a book, but can be magazines, newspapers, or articles and research journals on the Internet. Importantly, the content quality and in accordance with the needs and interests. The more quality information we get, means more puzzle pieces we collect.

2. Observed
Observing is not the same as seeing. Observing is seeing with the eyes and brain. Most people, if you see something interesting objects or events will cease to see and admire it. A researcher does not just stop there, but then think how, why, and so on. Exercise is necessary to observe as the habits of life and not only done when they wanted to examine it.

3. Hear complaints, criticisms and suggestions
If we could hear and filter out complaints, criticisms, and suggestions from others, not infrequently there is a forerunner to the bright idea that they unwittingly convey to us.

4. Thinking does not follow the mainstream
Need to learn to solve problems in a different way to that conceived and carried out by most people. But no different origin, but has advantages compared with the normal way. Write or enjoy the humor or funny stories can also help. I believe it because the humor would be funny if there is a bending logic general (mainstream) suddenly and unexpectedly.

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

HEH :'(

heh, lo yang disana, tau gag kalo guee sakit ngeliatnya?/
heh elo yang disana, tau gag kalo gue sedih ngeliatnya!
heh elo yang disana, tau gag kalo gue mau juga jadii dia yang perfect , yang ga bakal terganti ma sapapun di hati lo.
heh, lo tau gag itu !!!????
heh, lo tau gag kalo sekarang, saat ini, guee ngejatuhin air yang sama sekali ga mao lo liat, karena apa?? karerna gue ngerasa gue gag mampu buat bisa jadi dia yang elo banggakan.
heh, elo tau juga gag kalo saat ini gue sangat sangat sakiiitt lebi dari rasa sakit kepala dan sakit gigi.
heh, lo juga tau gag alasan kenapa guee begini .. ???!!
karena gue takut, trauma, ngerii. HAHAHAHAHAHA . cemen lo tha, emang :D
#nemu lirik baru buat laguu ku,., hehehehe^^

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

tubuh ..

Kita lahir dengan 2 MATA didepan wajah kita, karena KITA selalu tidak boleh melihat KEBELAKANG. tapi pandanglah kedepan, ke masa DEPAN kita.

kita lahir dengan 2 TELINGA di kanan dan kiri, supaya kita BISA mendengarkan semuanya dari 2 SISI. untuk mengumpulkan pujian dan kritikan dan MEMILIH mana yang benar mana yang sala.

kita lahir dengan OTAK di tengkorak kepala kita. sehingga tidak peduli, semiskin apapun kita, kita tetap kaya. karena tidak ada yang dapat mencuri otak kita, pikiran kita dan idea kita. dan apa yang KAMU PIKIRKAN dalam otak kamu, LEBI berharga dari emas dan perhiasan.

kita lahir dengan 2 mata dan 2 telinga NAMUN dengan 1 MULUT. karena mulut adalah SENJATA yang SANGAT TAJAM. mulut bisa menyakiti, bisa membunuh, bisa menggoda, dan banyak hal lain yang tidak menyenangkan. SEHINGGA, ingatlah bicara sesedikit mungkin namun banyak melihat dan mendengar.

kita lahir dengan 1 HATI yang jauh dalam diri kita. mengingatkan kita pada penghargaan dan pemberian cinta berasal dari hati kita yang paling dalam. BELAJAR untuk mencintai dan menikmati betapa kita dicintai TAPI JANGAN PERNAH mengharapkan orang untuk mencintai kita SEPERTI kita mencintai dia.

* BERILAH cinta TANPA meminta balasan dan kita akan MENEMUKAN cinta yang jauh lebih indah *

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Mekarsari-Tourism Park-Bogor

Mekarsari Tourism Park is a place where one can find the wealth of Indonesia’s fruit species gathered together in a single location. It is also intended to develop and breeding of superior varieties of fruit. Mekarsari is one of the biggest tropical fruit garden in the world.

The garden is intended to create a model market garden which will nurture germplasm collection representing fruit trees, vegetables, and flowering plants. The aim here is to safeguard the genetic diversity of these plants. The 264-hectare garden is conceived as a tourist attraction who will enjoy the recreational facilities which include Canal Tour, Kid’s Fun Valley, Country Side, Melon Park, Snake fruit Garden, Deer Park, then a resting place that make us enjoy and other facilities.

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011


Hot spring in Ciater is one vehicle that in addition to recreation as well as for health. This is caused because of it contains minerals, calcium, sulfate, thermo, and also contained hypertermata 38.5 equiv percent aluminum content and acidity is high enough that with Ph 2.45.
The facility itself is contained in Ciater: Bungalaw, Hotel, Villa, kids games to adult facilities, sports facilities, Arum rapids, Out bond, shopping facilities Mosque. Facilities at the resort Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort has 103 rooms and bungalows with various types, complete with office facilities. Adventure sports facilities and tennis court, basketball, volleyball, mini put put and golf, children's rides, tea walk, paint ball games, go-kart off road, etc.. Recreational Facilities Swimming hot water soak, paddle boats, camping, fishing pond, picnic area ceramic crafts, restaurants and bars dsb.Fasilitas conference and another facilities.
so, let your holiday in there.

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

amien .

Tuhan,terimakasi untuk smua yg Kau brikan dlm stiap hdupq..
Takslalu senyum n tawa yg terpancar,memang..namun dalam titiktitik airmata yang jatuh ke pipi q,q temukan serangkaian senyum megah dihati n bibir q..
Terimakasii Tuhan,bkan saja untuk stiap berkat yg Tuhan ksh pd q ddlm hdup q,namun jg untuk stiap kesusahan n kesukaran..krna mlalui it mua,q temukan sukacita yg brlimpahlimpah ktika q mampu melewatinya bersamaMu..
Terimakasii juga untuk kekuatan dari Tuhan disaat q lemah,disaat q susah,disaat q sukar..
Terimakasii juga untuk penghiburan dari Tuhan ktka q sedih,ktka q menangis,ktka q tersedu..melalui orangorang dsekeliling q, Kau berikan q penghiburan n kekuatan..
Terimakasi juga Tuhan u/ ksetiaan Tuhan,mskipun sring x aq trjatuh,namun tangan Tuhan takprnah brhenti men0pang n mengangkatq..
Terimakasi Tuhan u/ stiap kata2 yg bole aq dgr yg menusuk hti q yg q dgr dari sesamaq,,trimakasi krna dgn gt aq jd semakin tau diri..
Terimakasii Tuhan .. n ampuni aq ktka aq msh menyakiti sesamaq,mlalui katakata q mlalui prbuatan q mlalui sgla hal yg q lakukan,ampuni aq Tuhan ..
Ampuni aq Tuhan ktka aq msh saja mengeluh..
Ampuni aq Tuhan ktka mata q, mulut q, telingaq,tangan n kaki q,pikiran q n hatiq msh srg brbuat dosa ..
Ampuni aq Tuhan ktka aq msh srg mengandalkan kekuatanq ndri ..

Ajari aq Tuhan tuk dapat mengasihi sesama q sperti Kau mengasihi q..
Ajari q tuk terus tetap brsyukur dlm sgla hal..
Ajari aq tuk trus hdup sesuai prntahMu..
Ajari aq tuk terus berserah kpda Mu dlm sgla pergumulan q, dlm sgla permasalahan q,dl sgla kelemahan q n ketidakberdayaan q..
Ajari aq Tuhan tuk tidak brpangku tangan..
Ajari aq tuk dpt mnggunakan wktu q bkn sja untk diri q namun untk sesamaq n trlebih untuk Tuhan..
Ajari aq Tuhan ..

Tegur aq ktka aq lalai,
tegur aq ktka aq mlai lelah,
tegur aq ktka aq brpaling,
tegur aq ktka aq mencoba tuk mengintip dosa,
dan jgn jemu2 tuk menegur q ya Tuhan :)
amien .

aq rasa aq perlu

Ktka mata ni harus mlihat muanya,q rasa q perlu untuk membutakan mataq untk mu , agar takdpt q lihat hal it..
Ktka tlinga in mendengar muany,q rsa q perlu untk mnutup tlingaq rapat2 agar taktau ap yg mrka bincangkan..
Ktka tanganq mulai trgerak untk mlakukan sswtu untukmu,q rsa q prlu untk membuat tanganq keram tak brdaya shg takdpt kau rasakan bntuan tanganq..
Ktka kakiq ingn mlangkah tuk menghampirimu,q rsa q prlu untk membuatny lumpuh shg takusah kau liat sosokq lagi..
Ktka htiq sakit oleh apa yg tlah q liat,ap yg tlah q dgr,ap yg tlah q prbuat nmun takbrart untukmu,ap yg q lakukan namun tak guna untkmu..
Q rasa Q PERLU untuk meninggalkanmu..
Karena memang keperluanmu bukan lagi ada pada q ..

Minggu, 17 April 2011


In around the area Lippo Cikarang, there is a place of recreation for children is Hompimpa. Hompimpa a vehicle with an area of ​​3.5 ha. in it there are various vehicles of play for children, such as sliding, swing, and so forth. there is also a place for swimming, fishing, fitness, so Hompimpa a suitable place for family holidays.

Pakis Cape Coast

Pakis Cape Coast located at the north Karawang, white sand beach with calm waves flowing and beautiful, it is because the Pakis Cape Coast is located on the bay on a peninsula between Bekasi and Karawang regency, 7 km long coastline covering Block Bungin, Karangjaya and Ferns I denagn area 305 ha.
On the beach has been available accommodation with air conditioning and TV, also available with regular facilities, Public Eating Fish menu Fuel Traditional with splayed along this coast, is also a Stage Entertainment with Live Show Dangdut every Holiday Weekend, is also a traditional boat rentals and facilities rinse after a swim in the sea satisfied that clear and calm. The location of Cape Coast is located in Pakis city, Pakisjaya 70 km from the capital city of Karawang regency.


Yogyakarta is a city famous for its batik. many areas in Yogyakarta, which can be visited and many applicants from outside the area who came to visit. one of them namely, malioboro. Jalan Malioboro is very popular with the street vendors who peddle crafts typical jogja and Lesbian stalls at night selling food jogja typical warm and well-known as a gathering place of artists who often express their capabilities like playing music, painting, art hapening , mime and others along this road.


in Ancol area, there are many places that allow for our recreation. one of them is a swimming pool atlantis. just like any other pool, Atlantic has a fairly wide area with many areas for children and adults.
it makes so many people who come to visit, of all ages.
Another advantage possessed by the Atlantic that is, has a pool float that intentionally provided for the visitors with certain times and with the specified time limit.


Dufan is one of the most people have known it. In there, we can be enjoyed our holiday. The tornado is a vehicle that was adrenaline because of the way of operation, that is when we start immediately went up and then we turn back. So also when we turn down too turn back. This vehicle is the most widely preferred by the public, in addition to adrenaline, this ride is also fun.

Hysteria in the form of 56 meter high tower. On this ride, visitors can feel the whisper of adrenaline when fired upward at speeds up to 4 G and then dropped with a capacity minus 1 G. One tower has a capacity of 12 seats. Ancol or especially Dufan has two towers.

In any area there is a Dufan maxima stage, maxima stage is the stage where the usual musicians, choreographers and famous playwright in this country perform his work.

Another vehicle that is Wrong or common hallway in the know with the greenhouse, consisting of glass-walled hallway along more than 90 meters, giving an infinite reflection, so it felt like there was no spatial dimension.

Niagara's sled, which is a log-shaped boat that ventured off the water flow. Then, at the climax, rising as high as 30 feet and plunging as if following the waterfalls splash down the rivers in America.

Vehicles in addition to the above, there Palace was designed with the feel of the combined 10 Indonesian architectural style, which combination up to become a new building, and colorful so as to give the impression of vibrant and unique. In it, while boating, visitor to explore and feel the various ethnic cultures throughout the archipelago as well as various nations, accompanied by local folk songs are impressive. There are about 600 animatronic puppet. This vehicle is an enclosed building equipped with air conditioning.

For enthusiasts, can quickly come and visit and enjoy all Dufan existing vehicle, just by paying Rp.120.000 (saturday-sunday and holiday) and Rp.90.000 (monday-friday)

Senin, 04 April 2011

Waterboom Rengasbandung

Sports are now not only for athletes but also to all who have pleasure or hobby will certain sports that can make them happy. Variety of examples are, soccer, badminton, table tennis, running, high jump, basketball, vollyball, swimming, and the other sports.
Many new sporting venues, especially in Cikarang, there is a swimming pool exclusively reserved for the students and hobby is swimming. Waterboom Rengasbandung, so well known name in it there are children's playground, where there is also an arena are flying fox outbound only by paying 3000 rupiah. There is also provided 2 toilets for men and women. Entrance fee of 20,000 rupiah Waterboom rengasbandung by person.


Currently many places where to visit with various purpose and motivations, there are a refreshing just to get rid of tired of routine activities, some are just walking with the family and even some are for the purpose researching something. In Jakarta, not a few locations for recreation, especially in North Jakarta there are beaches which are always crowded by visitors. Visitors who came were not only from the area around Jakarta but from different areas. Ancol beach is a beach that is quite well known to many people. Ancol beach sand of the an artificial sand that can be enjoyed by visitors to sit down relax, big waves are not too suitable for kids who want to swim or play sand. The entrance fee Ancol only amounted to 15,000 rupiah, and the place was very easy to visit both through rail transport, public transport or private vehicle. There were many people who rent out a mat for visitors to relax.

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011


kita adalah satu..
yupz, kita adalah SATU !
satu untuk masa depan, satu untuk meraih citi-cita, satu untuk menggapai mimpi..
satu adalah kita..
yup,satu adalah KITA !
bersatu untuk tersenyum, bersatu untuk bahagia, bersatu untuk satu tujuan . :)

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Bogor botanical garden (Kebun Raya Bogor)

Bogor botanical garden (kebun raya bogor) is the major tourist attractions in the city of Bogor is visited by many kind people from the city of Bogor own or of any other city. To go that location we can use rail transportation equipment, we only need to pay to two thousand rupiahs to arrive at the city station and two thousand rupiahs to arrive at the station Bogor. Bogor botanical garden there are many collections of plants and there is also the tomb of queen Galuh grandparent. Not a few people who come to release their trouble of daily habits.

Mall Lippo Cikarang

Lippo Cikarang is a strategic area for every person who wants shopping or calming the mind. In Lippo Cikarang there are some place of recreation such as swimming pools Waterboom, Hompimmpa, and also mall of Lippo Cikarang.
In this case I will discuss a bit about the mall Lippo Cikarang. Lippo mall is one place shopping in Cikarang area that has much people known, in which there are 21, Hypermart. In addition, there was Book City and Time Zone , food court in Lippo Cikarang. Not a few people who come every day, because in addition to the place fun, Lippo Cikarang also has a strategic place and close to schools.

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

mulut dan hati berbeda !

banyak yang bilang, kepercayaan itu mahal..
yaa.. memang c..
sekali tertipu, selamanya akan trauma dengan hal itu.
tapii pantas gag c klo terus terusan ketidakpercayaan melandasi hidupnya, pikarannya dan hatinya,?
bukankah itu hanya menjadikan batu sandungan dalam setiap persoalan, dalam tutur katakata, dan dalam sebuah hubungan.
gag penting juga untk terusmenerus tidak percaya .. apalagi dengan orang yang katanya di sayang.

jaga slalu lidahmu

huruf merupakan bagian terkecil dari kata..
tanppa huruf, tak mungkin terbentuk kata..
kata adalah seuatu pembentuk makna n pemberitahu arti..
tanpa kata, tak mungkin dapat seseorang mengerti akan apa yang harus di mengerti.
kumpulan dari kata membentuk sebuah kalimat..
kalimat pun memberi arti yang lebi banyak dan arti dari apa yang sebenerya dirasakan..
kalimat terdiri ari makna positif dan negatif, seseorang dapat membawa makna yang positif dari katakata yang digunakannya,,
tak sedikit orang yang hanya membawa luka, sakit, dan perih dari kata yang di kelarkan dan kata yang di rangkai hingga menjadi sebuah kalimat.
tak pernah terpikirkah bahwa liah sangat tajam, bagai pedang yang mempunyai dua sisi..
dan, tak sadarkah bahwa lidah dapat membuat orang tersenyum bahagia?
bagaikan riak aliran air yang mengalir dan tak tau dimana akan berakhir, jika lidah mengeluarkan hal yang membawa luka..
maka, jagalah lidahmu.. sebelum engkau menjaga orang yang kau sayang..

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

Shopping Center in Cikarang

In the current era of globalization, the environment around us more narrow because of the build various buildings with different functions, one of the shopping center. In Cikarang, there is now a shopping center known as the SGC. As we know, the shopping center also provides various needs of the community from all walks of life. On the ground floor there are electronic center, on the second floor there is a place the shoes and store gold and silver, while the third floor there are various types and fine clothing for all circles, and on the fourth floor there is Hypermart which also provides a variety of daily necessities.
in sgc parkirn also provided for motorcycles and also cars and mosques and places to eat and rest like KFC, Hoka-Hoka Bento, AW, Food court, .
If you come to SGC, would never know tired because of all the facilities available there:).

Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Senggigi Beach-Lombok

Senggigi Beach is the famous tourist attractions in Lombok. This beach is located on the west coast of Lombok Island. Though not as beautiful Senggigi Beach Beach in Bali, but when we are in Senggigi Beach, you will feel like in Bali because of the beach is still beautiful, too beautiful underwater areas.
There are also hotels with prices ranging from expensive to economical hotel is worthwhile.
Senggigi Beach, located on the north ward, is the most popular beaches and is famous for its beauty.
The beach is located 12 kilometers northwest of Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Lombok, stretching nearly 10 km long with white sand that seemed to tempt you to sit on it and for a moment forget all your life routine, traffic density city , and breath in fresh air to enjoy the scenery of sea water blue green shades and enjoy the beautiful sunset on the beach of Senggigi.


Kaliurang is one tourist attraction in Yogyakarta, which is so beautiful and rich in nature, where right and left side is still a vast and beautiful forest. Around Kaliurang also no other place quite beautiful and worth visiting are yellow. In there you can walk along the creek is clear and clean. Sometimes we will not feel tired when we walked the street in a place like that. Or if you want to see the ex larva 2007, you can stop at Kaliadem. There you will be treated to views of a former trim a large river is covered with sand (former erosion trim). Other times a yellow, there is also another beautiful place like Kaliadem river was once a regional tour that promises beauty and natural beauty of the mountains with the river water flows clear and cold. Kaliadem tourist area now has changed its name to Lava tourist area TOUR ex-Kaliadem. As a result of the eruption of Mount Merapi at the time, this area is buried by Mount Merapi Lava material. In addition, the uniqueness of the other Kaliurang is in here the main roads that can be traversed by car there are many branches that are all interconnected with each other, so that we can spend time with just round the streets in tourist areas this. In addition, here too there are many villas and lodging at a price that varied, ranging from 40 thousand to hundreds of thousands per night, depending on amenities and location offered.

Bintan island, Riau

Bintan Island in Riau Islands Province, the atmosphere on the island is truly enchanting, natural beauty of one of them. Gleaming white sand, blue water, and thick is the combination that makes this island so beautiful.Bintan island located in Riau between Singapura and Batam. It make everyone to interest to visit this island. For you who like exploring nature, Bintan island also provides the facility to channel it through the mountain hobby to ride a bikes or tracking to the Mount Stars. Located at an altitude of about 340 meters, your eyes will be free to look at beauty of Bintan Island, which annually visited by not less 350 thousand tourists. Indeed, most of which come not a domestic tourists, but foreign tourists, such as Singapore, South Korea, and Japan.

In this island there are many resorts available that can be rented for honeymoon, private beach, dive tourism, and culinary tourism can be an alternative during their honeymoon.

Not only natural beauty. Bintan Island also has a decent living resources proud of. As an island located in the tropics, Bintan Island has a unique ecosystem with diverse flora and fauna. Monkeys, frogs, various types of snakes, fireflies, lizards, and various species of birds live in comfort on the island. So, visit it soon.

Swimming pool "waterboom" in Cikarang

There are various kinds of water rides in Waterboom facilities in Cikarang. Starting with a pool that tends Cheerful little serious as a place to swim, because the pool at least in this location with a level of depth of 1.5 meters. A volly stretched mesh in the middle of this pool, allowing visitors to play ball together, and it is also available cafe drinks in one corner so to order and enjoy a drink does not need to get out of the pool.

Specific pool of children with a maximum depth + / - 30cm also there is also here, complete with ornate boat, conch (glide the children of the house conch), stable spurted by Ranjaunya which if one can massage it all wet, Lush Hill (Hilly Forest) and Prosot Cliff, which offers shade trees with a glide that seemed to be above the underground sled through the hedge of trees and plants.
Two young children toward the stairs carrying buoy-racing waterslide Ribbon Debar-Debar.
Not just a swimming pool that is on this vehicle, two ready-made river provides sensation for visitors to enjoy it by sitting relaxed on the buoy and let the river flow as it moves slowly around the artificial river. Sunlight through the shade of trees along streams and various colors of blooming flowers will provide comfort when lying relaxed on these buoys. Or maybe you're still eager to keep exercising? Can be met by an artificial river circling the swimming activities without worrying about drowning since only 1.2 meters deep.

Three main sled, appears to be the main mascot of this water rides. Divided in two heights, one waterslide is located 16 meters, while the rest is situated lower. To enjoy the sled with a height of 16 meters this (tape Debar-pounding), visitors are required to use a buoy. Duty officer in the tower would any visitor who will try to glide without using a float, of course, all this for the sake of safety and security. Not the case for two sled located lower (Ribbon Octopus), visitors are allowed immediately drove without wearing a life jacket.
Dressing room facilities, shower, P3K and mosque are also available and maintained clean. Existing day care facility goods using the system to lock lockers which required that must be purchased first coin worth four thousand rupiah. This system is quite safe, although sometimes "annoying" is also considering must we buy coins again if you want to lock the locker back our goods. Quite often visitors seemed confused by this system, because most thought only enough to buy one coin to the open-infinite key.
Ticket price of admission for the price of 40,000 rupiah per person, applies also to children over the age of 2 years. A price that "may" not cheap, but with various facilities on offer of course is still in the threshold price at a reasonable price, even more possibility to make payment via credit card to make visitors do not need to carry large amounts of cash while on vacation with family. Thus, there is nothing wrong end of this week you taking the time to vacation with family or friends in a vehicle near the water attractions.