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Rabu, 24 November 2010

Chinese Village, Cibubur

Chinese Village located in residential areas,Cibubur Tourist City.
Chinese Village shopping practically as an attractive place for building all the stalls in this area using Chinese architecture, as well as the dominant red color that is identical with the Chinese culture. At the entrance, there is a gate which is similar to the entrance of a town in China is the Forbidden City. This gate semicircular and is called the Gate of Prosperity.
Jewelleries are sold associated with the existing concept, namely goods which describe the state of China. The most widely sold is clothing chongsam (red shirt with a collar and buttons typical of the Chinese), umbrellas, bags, purses embroidered with Chinese characteristic, the sculptures for display and other trinkets. However, there are also stalls selling hats or bags that are not nuanced China.
In the back area of Kampung China there are lakes with duck-shaped water bike and boat motor that will take you around on the water of the lake. Less is more, a boat can accommodate 12 people. There is also a region called "Fantasy Island" where there is a large dinosaur replica. This can be a favorite place for kids.

Beach Sanur , Bali

Sanur Beach is one of the attractive beaches on the island of Bali. This beach has a length of 3 kilometers with a coastline facing the east. Sanur Beach is famous for its clean white beaches and gentle. In addition, Sanur beach is a rocky beach that has its own advantages.
Sanur beach area is an alternative for local and foreign tourists who want to avoid the feel of the hustle and bustle of Kuta, Legian or Seminyak. In this area of tranquility and comfort are top priorities. For those who like to enjoy the sunrise then Sanur is the perfect place.
Spmetimes, if you really need a place that make you comfort, you can visited Beach Sanur.

Taman Wisata Mekarsari

Mekarsari Park is one of the largest tropical fruit gardens in the world with more than 100,000 plants consisting of 78 families, 362 species, 1463 varieties, 37,000 plants. Located on Highway Jonggol Bogor, Bogor Mekarsari Park offers families a comfortable tour of natural shades and fruits. To enter the Park Mekarsari at Main Gate we have to pay a ticket per person USD. 18,000, - and then to charge vehicles: Cars Rp. 10.000, - Bis Rp. 20.000, - Motorcycle Rp. 3.000, -.
Meanwhile, to enjoy the facilities that exist in the Park Mekarsari we have to pay in accordance with the rates charged. After entering the parking lot and keep the car in the parking lot, then we walk into the park and given 3 options Wahan which can be followed, namely Train Mobile, Garden Theatre Family and 3D.
For looking around the complex of Park Mekarsari we can use the train or bus provided by the Park management Mekarsari, using a ticket for Rp. 10.000, - we can look around all the gardens in this Park. During the trip we can stop to buy fruits that we enjoy.
Beside of that, we can also enjoy outbound at there.
If you want to enjoy your holiday, don't need to go too far, just come to Park Mekarsari and you will get refresh your mind.

Senin, 01 November 2010

Lau Debuk-Debuk, Sumatera Utara

Sumatera Utara

Lau Debuk-Debuk is a village that has hot springs with sulfur content. This area is visited by many tourists to enjoy the warmth of sulfur water in the atmosphere cool mountain air, the village is situated about 10 km from the airport bar to Brastagi, below Mount Sibayak which has an altitude of about 2100 km from the sea surface. Hot springs emerge through put from the lava flow in southern region Sibayak volcano in this region occurred encroachment by surrounding communities to be used as agricultural land vegetables such as cabbage, woretel, mustard greens, and fruit crops. Species not found, mostly consisting of small mammals such as field mice, squirrels, raccoons, monkeys, snakes rice, frog is a species of reptile and various types of finch, starling, magpie, and sebagaina. On 9 May 1980 was transferred from reserve status to theme parks with an area of seven hectares

Pantai Kuta Bali

Kuta Beach

Hearing the name of Kuta Beach everyone would immediately associate it with the Island of the Gods, Bali. Kuta Beach has waves that are in love by the surfer. Kuta never quiet at night there were , live music, karoake, and art shops, lined up along the street in Kuta, mostly selling jewelry or surf craft goods. Kuta Beach is a tourist spot located in the south of Denpasar, capital city of Bali.
Located Kuta at Badung, the uniqueness of this beach from coastal areas by sand-colored hills are very white and very quiet visitors especially on weekdays. Kuta Beach Lombok seems a lot of outs in exploitation by local government to be made in the leading tourist destination in addition to Senggigi whose name is already global. This area is a tourist destination overseas and has become a mainstay tourist island of Bali since the early 70s. Kuta Beach is often referred to as sunset beach as opposed to the Sanur beach in Kuta there are many shops, restaurants, and a bath and drying. Besides beautiful beaches of Kuta Beach also offers a variety of other entertainment as bars and restaurants along the beach toward the Legian beach. This beach also has a pretty good waves for surfing, especially novice surfers.

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

Tugas Kepariwisataan2


If you're visiting Bandung, you should visit Kawah Putih. Located Kawah Putih at Ciwidey, there is not only beautifull and stunning scenery, but also the refreshing air. Beside of that, in there also strwbery garden, we can pluck strawberry by ourself that we want to buy. Otherwise, on the way to go Kawah Putih, we can enjoy our way with the interesting attraction such as the old railway tracks, tea gardens, and pine forest. Specific located of Kawah Putih is on Mount Patuha, a mountain located in West Java. The height of this mountain is 2386 meters. The crater of Mount Patuha is used as an attractive tourist object with the name White crater.

Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

Tugas Kepariwisataan

Tourist Attractions of Mount Tangkuban Perahu at Bandung

Tangkuban Perahu, or Tangkuban Parahu in local Sundanese dialect, is an active volcano 30 km north of the city of Bandung, the provincial capital of West Java, Indonesia. It is a popular tourist attraction where tourists can hike or ride to the edge of the crater to view the hot water springs upclose, and buy eggs cooked on its hot surface. This stratovolcano is on the island of Java and last erupted in 1983.

The Legend of Mount Tangkuban Perahu

Once upon a time in west Java, Indonesia lived a wise king who had a beautiful daughter. Her name was Dayang Sumbi. She liked weaving very much. Once she was weaving a cloth when one of her tool fell to the ground. She was very tired at the time so she was too lazy to take it. Then she just shouted outloud. So she said that anybody help her to bring her tool, if a female, she will make her a sister and if a man, she will marry him. Suddenly, a dog came and bring her tool, so she was surprised and also married with the dog. Dayang Sumbi leaved her father and lived with that dog in a small village. Several months later they had a son. His name was Sangkuriang. He was a handsome and healthy boy. Sangkuriang liked hunting very much. He often went hunting to the wood using his arrow. When he went hunting Tumang always with him. In the past there were many deer in Java so Sangkuriang often hunted for deer. Oneday, her mother, Dayang Sumbi wanted to have deer’s heart so she asked Sangkuriang to hunt for a deer. But, because Sangkuriang can’t give what her mother want and also don’t want to make her disspointed, he killed the dog (his father) and gave the dog’s heart to his mother. But, Dayang Sumbi knew that the heart was a dog’s heart (her husband). So she really angry and she could not control her emotion. She hit Sangkuriang at his head. Sangkuriang was wounded. There was a scar in his head. She also repelled her son. Sangkuriang left her mother in sadness.

Many years passed and Sangkuriang became a strong young man. He wandered everywhere. One day he arrived at his own village but he did not realized it. There he met Dayang Sumbi. At the time Dayang Sumbi was given an eternal beauty by God so she stayed young forever. Both of them did not know each other. So they fell in love and then they decided to marry.

But then Dayang Sumbi recognized a scar on his Sangkuriang’s head. She knew that Sangkuriang was his son. So, Dayang Sumbi gave a requirement to Sangkuriang that she wanted Sangkuriang to build a lake and a boat in one night! She said she needed that for honeymoon. Sangkuriang agreed. With the help of genie and spirits Sangkuriang tried to build them. By midnight he had finished the lake by building a dam in Citarum river. Then he started building the boat. It was almost dawn when he nearly finished it. Meanwhile Dayang Sumbi kept watching on them. She was very worried when she knew this. So she made lights in the east. Then the spirits thought that it was already dawn. It was time for them to leave. They left Sangkuriang alone. Without their help he could not finish the boat.Sangkuriang was very angry. He kicked the boat. Then the boat turned out to be Mount Tangkuban Perahu. It means boat upside down. From a distant it looks like a boat upside down.



Kamis, 30 September 2010

Pengertian Pariwisata

Pengertian dan Definisi Pariwisata

Istilah pariwisata berasal dari bahasa sansekerta yang terdiri dari 2 kata, yaitu kata “Pari” berarti berkeliling atau bersama dan kata “wisata” berarti perjalanan. Menurut Soetomo (1994:25) yang di dasarkan pada ketentuan WATA (World Association of Travel Agent = Perhimpunan Agen Perjalanan Sedunia), wisata adalah perjalanan keliling selama lebih dari tiga hari, yang diselenggarakan oleh suatu kantor perjalanan di dalam kota dan acaranya antara lain melihat-lihat di berbagai tempat atau kota baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.
- Menurut A.J. Burkart dan S. Medik (1987)
Pariwisata adalah perpindahan orang untuk sementara dan dalam jangka waktu pendek ke tujuan- tujuan diluar tempat dimana mereka biasanya hidup dan bekerja dan kegiatan-kegiatan mereka selama tinggal di tempat-tempat tujuan itu.
- Menurut Hunziger dan krapf dari swiss dalam Grundriss Der Allgemeinen Femderverkehrslehre, menyatakan pariwisata adalah keseluruhan jaringan dan gejala-gejala yang berkaitan dengan tinggalnya orang asing disuatu tempat dengan syarat orang tersebut tidak melakukan suatu pekerjaan yang penting (Major Activity) yang memberi keuntungan yang bersifat permanen maupun sementara.
- Menurut Prof. Salah Wahab dalam Oka A Yoeti (1994, 116.). Pariwisata adalah suatu aktivitas manusia yang dilakukan secara sadar yang mendapat pelayanan secara bergantian diantara orang-orang dalam suatu negara itu sendiri atau diluar negeri, meliputi pendiaman orang-orang dari daerah lain untuk sementara waktu mencari kepuasan yang beraneka ragam dan berbeda dengan apa yang dialaminya, dimana ia memperoleh pekerjaan tetap.
Jadi pengertian pariwisata adalah perjalanan keliling dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain. Kepariwisataan adalah merupakan kegiatan jasa yang memanfaatkan kekayaan alam dan lingkungan hidup yang kasih seperti hasil budaya peninggalan sejarah, pemandangan alam yang indah dan iklim yang nyaman.
Menurut UN. Convention Concerning Customs Facilites For Touring (1954) Wisatawan adalah setiap orang yang datang disebuah Negara karena alas an yang sah kecuali untuk berimigrasi dan yang tinggal setidak-tidaknya 24 Jam dan selama-lamanya 6 Bulan dalam tahun yang sama.
Dalam pengertian ini wisatawan dibedakan berdasarkan waktu dan tujuan yang disebut wisatawan adalah orang-orang yang berkunjung setidaknya 24 dan yang dating berdasarakan motivasi Mengisi waktu senggang seperti bersenang, berlibur, untuk kesehatan, studi, keperluan agama, dan olahraga, serta bisnis, keluarga, peurtusan, dan pertemuan-pertemuan.
Sedangkan ekskurionis adalah pengunjung yang hanya tinggal sehari di Negara yang dikunjungi tanpa bermalam. Pengertian ini paling banyak digunakan karena pembedanya tegas sehingga mudah dipahami antara pengunjung yang bisa disebut wisatawan, dan pengunjung yang hanya ekskurisionis saja.
Pengertian Kepariwisataan
Adalah kegiatan jasa yang memanfaatkan kekayaan alam dan lingkungan hidup yang khas seperti hasil budaya, peninggalan sejarah, pemandangan alam yang indah dan iklim yang nyaman.

Pengertian Perjalanan Wisata
Perjalanan wisata adalah perlawatan keliling yang memakan waktu lebih dari 3 hari, yang di lakukan sendiri maupun di atur oleh biro perjalanan umum dengan acara meninjau beberapa kota atau tempat baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.
Adapun wisatawan menurut definisi international Union of travel Organization (IUOTO) adalah
1. Visitor ( :Pengunjung) adalah seseorang yang melakukan perjalanan ke suatu negara yang bukan negara tempat ia tinggal, suatu alasan yang bukan pekerjaannya sehari-hari.
Contoh : Pilot maskapai penerbangan yang datang ke suatu negara karena pekerjaannya tidak termasuk kategori ini.
2. Touris (:Wisatawan) adalah pengunjung yang tinggal sementara di suatu tempat paling sedikit 24 jam di negara yang di kunjungi dengan motivasi perjalanannya sebagai berhibur (bersenang-senang, liburan kesehatan study alasan keagamaan dan olahraga), berdagang kunjungan keluarga dan pertemuan-pertemuan. Berdasarkan instuksi prsiden R.I No 9 Tahun 1969 tanggal Agustus 1969 definisi wisatawan adalah setiap orang yang berpergian dari tempat tinggalnya untuk berkunjung ke tempat lain dengan menikmati perjalanan kunjungan itu.
3. Excursionis (:pelancong) adalah pengunjung sementara di suatu negara tanpa menginap termasuk di sini penumpang kapal pesiar. Dalam ketentuan di atas, pengunjung yang tak dapat di masukkan dalam kategori tourist adalah orang yang tiba di suatu negara yang bertujuan mencari atau mendapat pengahasilan atau melakukan kegiatan usaha di negara tersebut, orang yang datang dengan maksud menetap di negara tersebut, orang yang melintasi suatu negara tidak bermaksud singgah meskipun perjalan itu melebihi jangka waktu 24 jam, perjalanan kaum pengungsi atau (refugee).
Adapun motivasi perjalanan wisatawan dari jaman ke jaman :
1. Di zaman kuno motivasi perjalannan adalah
a. Kebutuhan peraktis misalnya politik dan perdagangan
b. Dambaan ingin tahu misalnya tentang adat istiadat dan kebiasaan orang atau bangsa lain
c. Dorongan keagamaan misalnya ziarah dan lain-lain
2. Diabad pertengahan umumnya petugas negara pedagang besar, pejiarah dan mahasiswa
3. Dizaman modern perjalanan wisata perorangan mula-mula untuk tujuan kesenangan
4. Dimasa kini karena kemajuan teknologi menjadikan factor pendorong untuk perkembangan pariwisata karena kecepatan
bertambah ; kapasitas pengangkutan lebih besar, menambah daya tampung ; biaya yang menjadi lebih rendah ; pelayanan
lebih baik dan lebih mudah ; menimbulkan rasa nyaman dan aman.

Jika di ambil kesimpulan maka motivasi wisatawan yang mendorong mereka untuk mengadakan perjalan wisata yaitu : dorongan kebutuhan untuk berlibur dan berrekreasi , dorongan kebutuhan , pendidikan dan penelitian, dorongan kebutuhan keagamaan, kesehatan, atas minat terhadap kebudayaan dank e senian, kepentingan hubungan keluarga, ke amanaan politik.

Kepariwisataan sebagai suatu industri yang utama ialah pengangkutan. Pengangkutan meliputi pengurusan bepergian seseorang dari tempat kediamannya menuju ke daerah tujuan wisata baik yang bersangkutan dengan dokumen perjalanan, urusan batas teritorial suatu negara maupun transportnya. Sector kegiatan yang tercakup didalamnya ialah perusahan-perusahaan angkutan darat, laut, maupun udara, dan biro perjalanan. Idustri yang kedua ialah akomodasi, sedangkan yang ketiga yaitu segala sesuatu yang menarik wisatawan untuk berkunjung.
Peraturan pokok pengusahaan perusahaan penjalanan (travel agency) ,mula-mula di atus dalam surat keputusan menteri perhubungan no : SK:242/H/1970 tanggal 5 agustus 1970. Sesuai dengan sifat kegiatannya perusahaan perjalanan dibedakan menjadi 2 yaitu wholesaler dan retailer :
1. Wholesaler adalah perusahaan perjalanan yang menyusun rencana perjalanan yang menyeluruh ( Travel Package, Tour) atau pun secara khusus yang di perjualkan kepada retail travel agent.
2. Retailer ( retailer travel agent) adalah perusahaan perjalanan yang menjual tour atau melakukan perantaraan perjalanan langsung kepada konsumen atau wisatawan adapun kegiatan dalam perusahaan perjalanan ialah :
a. Menyelenggarakan penerangan dan promosi penjualan kepariwisataan
b. Menyelenggarakan asistensi perjalanan baik dalam untuk perseorangan maupun kelompok
c. Menyelenggarakan keagenan perusahaan-perusahaan pengangkutan darat , laut, dan udara, hotel restaurant, hiburan dan tour operation.
d. Mengeluarkan tanda-tanda perjalanan untuk pengangkutan hotel restaurant hiburan tours hunting Wildlife safari, dan sebagainya.
e. Mengurus document perjalanan dan alat2 pembayaran untuk kepentingan perjalanan
f. Menyelenggaraan angkutan wisata untuk keperluan sightseeing, tours dan transfers.
g. Menyelenggarakan guiding dan tour conducting.
h. Menyelenggarakan mailing service atas barang-barang milik atau pembelian wisatawan dan menyalenggarakan cargo sales
i. Menyelenggarakan valute asing.

Ketentuan pelaksanaan Surat keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No: SK242/H/1970 tersebut diatas dituangkan dalam syarat keputusan direktur jenderal pariwisata No. : 13/kpts/1170- Par tanggal 24 November 1970. Akan tetapi karena kesulitan teknis pelaksanaan dari surat keputusan Menteri Perhubungan pembagian kegiatan usaha perusahaan perjalanan menjadi wholesaler dan retailer tidak dapat dijalankan sebagaimana mestinya.
Akhirnya dikeluarkan lagi surat keputusan menteri perhubungan No.: PM.9/PW.104/PHB.77 tanggal 22 Desember 1977 yang isinya mencabut surat keputusan Mentiri Perhubungan no. SK 242/H/1970 tersebut dan selanjutnya menetapkan sbb :
a.Biro Perjalanan Umum adalah perusahaan yang melakukan kegiatan paket wisata dan agen perjalanan;
b. Agen Perjalanan adalah perusahaan yang melakukan kegiatan penjualan ticket/karcis sarana angkutan dan lain-lain serta pemesanan sarana wisata;
c. Cabang Biro Perjalanan Umum adalah satuan-satuan usaha dari suatu Biro Perjalanan Umum yang berkedudukan di tempat yang sama atau di tempat lain san yang memberikan pelayanan sehubungan dengan kegiatan-kegiatan Biro Perjalanan Umum.

Adapun kegiatan-kegiatan usaha tercantum dalam Bab II Pasal 2 sbb :
1. Biro Perjalanan Umum melekukan kegiatan-kegiatan sebagai berikut :
a. Menyusun dan menjual paket wisata luar negeri kepada umum atau atas permintaan.
b. Menyelenggarakan dan menjual pelayaran wisata (cruise)
c. Menyusun dan menjual paket wisata dalam negeri kepada umum atas permintaan;
d. Menyelenggarakan pemanduan wisata (guiding dan tour conducting)
e. Menyediakan fasilitas sewa mobil untuk wisatawan
f. Menjual tiket/karcis sarana angkutan dan lain-lain;
g. Mengadakan pemesanan sarana wisata
h. Mengurus dokumen-dokumen perjalanan sesuai dengan peraturan-peraturan yang berlaku.
2. Agen Perjalanan melakukan kegiatan sbb :
a. Menjual tiket/karcis sarana angkutan dan lain-lain;
b. Mengadakan sarana pemesanan sarana wisata;
c. Mengurus dokumen-dokumen perjalanan sesuai dengan peraturan- peraturan yang berlaku.
Ketentuan pelaksanaan Surat Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No.: PM9/PW.104/Phb-77 tersebut dituangkan dalam Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pariwisata Nomor: Kep.34/U/I/78 tanggal 21 Januari 1978, yang sekaligus pula mencabut Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pariwisata Nomor: 13/Kpts/1170 tanggal 24 November 1970.
Pembatasan kegiatan bidang usaha perusahaan perjalanan menurut SK Menteri Perhubungan No. PM.9/PW.104/Phb.77 dibandingkan dengan SK 242/H/1970 bukanlah dimaksudkan untuk mempersempit ruang gerak kegiatan usaha perusahaan perjalanan, melainkan justru dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme dalam bidang usaha perusahaan perjalanan.

Pengertan Biro Perjalanan
- Biro perjalanan adalah kegiatan usaha yang bersifat komersial yang mengatur, dan menyediakan pelayanan bagi seseorang, sekelompok orang, untuk melakukan perjalanan dengan tujuan utama berwisata.
- Biro perjalanan umum adalah badan usaha yang menyelenggarakan kegiatan perjalanan usaha di dalam dan ke luar negeri.
- Cabang biro perjalanan umum adalah salah satu unit Biro Perjalanan Umum, yang berkududukan sama dengan kantor pusatnya atau di wilayah lain, yang melakukan kegiatan sama dengan kantor pusatnya.
- Agen perjalanan adalah badan usaha yang menyelenggarakan usaha perjalanan yang bertindak sebagai perantara dalam
menjual atau mengurus jasa untuk melakukan perjalanan.

Ruang lingkup Biro Perjalanan Umum
Ruang lingkup kegiatan usahanya adalah:
1. Membuat, menjual dan menyelenggarakan paket wisata.
2. Mengurus jasa angkutan perorangan atau kelompok yang di urusnya.
3. Melayani pemesanan akomodasi, restaurant dan sarana wisata lainnya.
4. Mengurus dokumen perjalanan.
5. Menyelenggarakan panduan perjalanan perjalanan wisata.
6. Melayani penyelenggaraan konvensi.

Fungsi Biro Perjalanan Umum
Fungsi Biro Perjalanan Umum di bedakan dua fungsi yaitu :
1. Fungsi Umum
Dalam hal ini biro perjalanan merupakan suatu badan usaha yang dapat memberikan penerangan atau informasi tentang segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan dunia perjalanan pada umumnya dan perjalanan wisata pada khususnya.
2. Fungsi khusus
a. Biro perjalanan sebagai perantara. Dalam kegiatannya ia bertindak atas nama perusahaan lain dan menjual jasa-jasa
perusahaan yang diwakilinya. Karena itu ia bertindak di antara wisatawan dan industri wisata.
b. Biro perjalanan sebagai badan usaha yang merencanakan dan menyelenggarakan tour dengan
tanggung jawab dan resikonya sendiri.
c. Biro perjalanan sebagai pengorganisasi yaitu dalam menggiatkan usaha ia aktif menjalin kerjasama dengan perusahaan
lain baik dalam dan luar negeri. Fasilitas yang dimiliki di manfaatkan sebagai dagangannya.

Biro Perjalanan Wisata
Definisi BPW :
• Nyoman S. Pendit memberikan pengertian bahwa BPW adalah perusahaan yang memiliki tujuan untuk menyiapkan suatu perjalanan bagi seseorang yang merencanakan untuk mengadakannya.
• R. S. Damardjati menjelaskan bahwa BPW adalah perusahaan yang khusus mengatur dan menyelenggarakan perjalanan dan persinggahan orang – orang termasuk kelengkapan perjalannannya, dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain, baik di dalam negri, dari dalam negri, ke luar negri atau dalam negri itu sendiri.
• Menurut undang – undang No. 9 Th. 1990 bagian kedua pasal 12, disebutkan bahwa BPW merupakan usaha penyedia jasa perencanaan dan / atau jasa pelayanan dan penyelenggaraan wisata.
Biro perjalanan wisata memiliki tugas sebagai berikut :
1. Menyusun dan menjual paket wisata luar negeri atas dasar permintaan.
2. Menyelenggarakan atau menjual pelayaran wisata (cruise).
3. Menyusun dan menjual paket wisata dalam negeri kepada umum atau atas dasar permintaan.
4. Menyelenggarakan pemanduan wisata.
5. Menyediakan fasilitas untuk wisatawan.
6. Menjual tiket/karcis sarana angkutan, dan lain-lain.
7. Mengadakan pemesanan sarana wisata.
8. Mengurus dokumen-dokumen perjalanan sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku.
Ruang Lingkup Agen Perjalanan
 Menjadi perantara pemesanan pemesanan tiket
 Mengurus dokumen perjalanan.
 Menjadi perantara pemesanan akomodasi, restaurant, sarana wisata dll
 Menjual paket wisata yang di buat oleh biro perjalanan umum
Fungsi Agen Perjalanan
1. Sebagai Perantara
a. Di daerah asal wisatawan
- Melengkapai informasi bagi wisatawan
- Memberikan advis bagi calon wisatawan
- Menyediakan tiket
b. Di daerah tujuan
- Memberi informasi bagi wisatawan.
- Membantu reservasi
- Menyediakan transportasi
- Mengatur perencanaan
- Menjual dan memesan tiket tanda mas
2. Sebagai organisator.
Karena travel agent sebagai perantara, maka ia berada di tengah-tengah industri pariwisata, maka perlu ada kontrak yang dibuat terlebih dulu. Selain itu itu harus ada perjanjian khusus yang mengatur hubungan kerja sehingga jelas tugas, kewajiban dan hak masing-masing pihak.

Sehingga bagi wisatawan travel agent merupakan :
 Mendapatkan informasi tentang tujuan daerah wisata
 Tempat meminta bantuan mengurus dokumen
 Tempat wisatawan dimana dapat memesan tiket, hotel, angkutan wisata dll
 Meminta bantuan tentang segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan perjalanan
Tour Operator
Adalah suatu perusahaan yang usaha kegiatannya merencanakan dan menyelenggarakan perjalanan untuk tujuan pariwisata atas inisiatif dan risiko sendiri dengan tujuan mengambil keuntungan dari kegiatan tersebut

Agen Perjalanan Wisata
Definisi APW :
Badan usaha yang menyelenggarakan usaha perjalanan yang bertindak sebagai perantara dalam menjual atau mengurus jasa untuk melakukan perjalanan.
Agen perjalanan wisata memiliki tugas yaitu :
 Menjadi perantara pemesanan pemesanan tiket
 Mengurus dokumen perjalanan
 Menjadi perantara pemesanan akomodasi, restaurant, sarana wisata dll
 Menjual paket wisata yang di buat oleh biro perjalanan umum
Faktor Fungsi
Biro Perjalanan Wisata memiliki fungsi yang dapat dibedakan menjadi dua fungsi yaitu :
1. Fungsi Umum : Dalam hal ini biro perjalanan wisata merupakan suatu badan usaha yang dapat memberikan penerangan atau informasi tentang segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan dunia perjalanan pada umumnya dan perjalanan wisata pada khususnya.
2. Fungsi khusus:
• Biro perjalanan wisata sebagai perantara. Dalam kegiatannya ia bertindak atas nama perusahaan lain dan menjual jasa-jasa perusahaan yang diwakilinya. Karena itu ia bertindak di antara wisatawan dan industri wisata.
• Biro perjalanan wisata sebagai badan usaha yang merencanakan dan menyelenggarakan tour dengan tanggung jawab dan resikonya sendiri.
• Biro perjalanan wisata sebagai pengorganisasi yaitu dalam menggiatkan usaha, BPW aktif menjalin kerjasama dengan perusahaan lain baik dalam dan luar negeri. Fasilitas yang dimiliki di manfaatkan sebagai dagangannya.
Agen Perjalanan Wisata memiliki dua fungsi yaitu :https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjSSSA_l9vp5izrAiWEOMuOvreBVXFXXTANrM5Fa3poMgWALM-mAL1N45sNaSDx72pvTjgr1UqRmAC7Jplpu9lEqFEx6hUMhickNDFWEw36FHBVwERcmvegNO8Vcc8gz3j0LtVoVDtZplk/s1600-h/Pengantar_Bisnis_Biro_Perjalanan_Wisata%5B14%5D.jpg
A. Sebagai Perantara
• Di daerah asal wisatawan
1. Melengkapai informasi bagi wisatawan
2. Memberikan advis bagi calon wisatawan
3. Menyediakan tiket
• Di daerah tujuan
1. Memberi informasi bagi wisatawan.
2. Membantu reservasi
3. Menyediakan transportasi
4. Mengatur perencanaan
5. Menjual dan memesan tiket tanda masuk

B. Sebagai organisator.
Karena travel agent sebagai perantara, maka ia berada di tengah-tengah industri pariwisata, maka perlu ada kontrak yang dibuat terlebih dulu. Selain itu itu harus ada perjanjian khusus yang mengatur hubungan kerja sehingga jelas tugas, kewajiban dan hak masing-masing pihak
Faktor Resiko
Biro Perjalanan Wisata memiliki tanggung jawab yang lebih besar dibandingkan Agen perjalanan Wisata. Hal ini disebabkan karena BPW mengeluarkan produknya berupa "Janji Jasa Perjalanan Wisata" yang dijual dalam bentuk “Brosur Paket Wisata" dan BPW harus bertanggungjawab penuh atas pelaksanaan produk yang dikeluarkannya. BPW harus menjamin bahwa wisatawan akan menikmati perjalanannya seperti yang tertulis dalam Brosur Paket Wisata yang dikeluarkan BPW.
Agen Perjalanan Wisata tidak memiliki tanggung jawab atas produk yang dijualnya. Hal ini dikarenakan APW hanya sebagai perantara perusahaan produk kepada konsumen atau pelanggan dan apabila pelanggan tidak puas, mereka harus komplain kepada pemilik produk (misalnya Hotel atau Maskapai Penerbangan).
Faktor Imbalan yang Diperoleh
Biro Perjalanan Wisata memperoleh imbalan atau laba yaitu dari selisih harga penjualan dengan total harga semua komponen yang dijualnya dalam paket wisata. Agen Perjalanan Wisata memperoleh imbalan berupa komisi dari pemilik produk dalam bentuk persen hasil penjualan.

Jadi menurut kami pariwisata adalah perjalanan mengunjungi tempat-tempat wisata dengan tujuan untuk bersenang-senang dengan waktu dan tempat yang tak terbatas baik sendirian ataupun bersama-sama. Wisatawan pun ada bermacam-macam seperti tourist, visitor, dan excurcionist. Banyak undang-undang yang mengatur tentang pariwisata.




Prabowohadi,Susetyo.1983.”Teknik Memandu Wisata”.Baturaden:



3 SA 03

Kamis, 15 April 2010

The gap between the wealth and the poor people

The gap between the wealth and the poor people

For the poor people usually they live in the space of road but in UK is have difference:

During the 16th century in England, the state first tried to give housing to vagrants instead of punishing them, by introducing bride wells to take vagrants and train them for a profession. In the 17th and 18th centuries, these were replaced by workhouses but these were intended to discourage too much reliance on state help.

Workhouse was a place where people who were unable to support themselves, could go to live and work.

There is, however, some written evidence that workhouses existed before this date.

Records mention a workhouse in 1631 in Abingdon.

The vagrants' and casual workers' ward of a workhouse was colloquially known as a spike, from the tool used to unpick oakum.

This is the poor law in England, Wales, irlandia and scotland.

England and Wales

Victorian workhouse in Ripon, now used by the local council as offices

The English Poor Law of 1601 marked the beginning of state-provided relief for the poor. Although it made no mention of workhouses, it did place a legal responsibility on each parish to care for those within its boundaries who, either because of age or infirmity, were unable to work. The Act proposed the construction of housing for the impotent poor, who included the elderly and chronically sick, but most assistance for the poor continued to be in the form of outdoor relief – money, food, or other necessities given to those living in their own homes, funded by a local tax on the property of the wealthiest in the parish

The workhouse system began to evolve in the 17th century as a way for parishes to reduce the cost to ratepayers of providing poor relief. The Workhouse Test Act of 1723 was introduced to prevent irresponsible claims on a parish's poor rate. Anyone seeking poor relief could be obliged to enter a workhouse and undertake a set amount of work, usually for no pay, a system known as indoor relief. Many parishes established workhouses during the 18th century, and by the 1830s most parishes had at least one.

Gilbert's Act of 1782 was intended to allow parishes to share the cost of poor relief by forming unions – known as Gilbert Unions – to build and maintain workhouses to accommodate the elderly and infirm. The able-bodied poor were instead either given outdoor relief or found employment locally.

Few workhouses were built under Gilbert's scheme but supplementing wages under a system known as the Speenhamland system did become established.

By the 1830s, the system of poor relief was "on the verge of collapse", caused by a large increase in the number of unemployed persons seeking assistance centralized Poor Law Commission was set up in England and Wales under the Poor Law Amendment Act 1834, to reorganize the system of poor relief, and to discourage the allocation of outdoor relief to the able-bodied; "all cases were to be 'offered the house', and nothing else”. Individual parishes were formed into Poor Law Unions, each of which was to have a union workhouse.


Following consideration of a report by George Nicholls, the Poor Relief (Ireland) Act, 1838 was passed in Westminster. It was the first Irish poor law and was loosely based on the model being promoted for England and Scotland. Nicholls' recommendation, following a series of short visits to Ireland, ran counter to that of a Commission of Enquiry which had examined the issue of an Irish Poor Law for three years, although both recommended indoor relief to the complete exclusion of outdoor relief. His misunderstanding of fundamental differences in the two jurisdictions was ignored, and his reasoning on sectarian and racial lines as to the cause of such extreme destitution in Ireland found acceptance amongst decision-makers one basic difference in the systems as introduced was with respect to the question of parish Settlement. No Law of Settlement was incorporated in the Irish Poor Law as had been included in the English Poor Law of 1662. This was deliberately to ensure that no perceived right of relief accrued to applicants in Ireland; the decision to grant or refuse assistance was at the discretion of the local Board of Guardians. Initially, 130 Irish Unions were created, and a further 33 were added between 1848 and 1850.


In 1579, an Act of the Scottish Parliament "For Punishment of String and Idle Beggars, and Relief of the Pure and Impotent" laid the basis of the system of poor relief in Scotland. Each parish had to make a list of its own poor (those who had been born there or who had lived there for seven years or more) "that the aged, impotent, and pure people, sold have lodging and abiding places", and to enable "heritors" or land-owners to take the children of beggars into unpaid service until they were eighteen (for girls) or twenty-four (for boys).

In 1843 a Commission of Enquiry was appointed to consider the operation of poor laws in Scotland. Its report proposed to broadly keep relief organized at the parish level although parishes, particularly in urban areas, should be united for settlement and poor-relief purposes, including the establishment of united poorhouses. They also proposed the creation of a Board of Supervision to oversee the management of each parish's poor relief. These proposals were put into effect on 4 August 1845 in an Act for The Amendment and better Administration of the Laws Relating to the relief of the Poor in Scotland. This was an enabling Act: parishes could create poorhouses, but were not required to do so, and could group together to provide common poorhouses.

Workhouses were also established in many European countries, but the system was most highly developed in Great Britain and Ireland. Holland, for instance, had only three large workhouses for the entire country, whereas the English county of Cheshire alone had 31 by 1777. Some parishes contracted out their poor-relief provisions – a private contractor would manage the parish's workhouse system for a fixed annual fee. Workhouses were generally harsh and punitive establishments for which Dickens and other writers used the ironic nickname "paupers' palaces"

The Wealth

For the wealth people usually they live near of the capital city or on the downtown UK. And also especially in UK London is the rich city so some rich people choose London be where they live.

The Region

The region of the poor people in UK excessively in Scotland It said Scotland had the largest number of poor people in each of the last four decades, as well as the highest death rate of all 14 regions examined. In 1970, 27% of the Scottish population was classed as breadline poor, with the figure dropping to 23% in 1980. By 1990, 27% of Scots fell into the category, but this rose to 32% in 2000, according to the report.

The region of the rich people in UK excessively in London London is a city of contrasts. It is dynamic and successful and as Europe's richest city it is a key global financial centre. The estimated total Gross Value Added (GVA – an indicator of economic output) for London was 20 % of the UK total, roughly £2651 billion in 2008. Inner London has a per capita GDP over three times the EU average.

London also has some of the most deprived areas in the UK with high levels of worklessness, crime, health and educational inequalities. For example, 28 % of London's neighbourhoods are within the top 20 % most deprived in England.

The 2001 Census shows almost 30 % of London's population belongs to a minority ethnic group, making it one of the most diverse and culturally rich cities in the world. Over 300 languages are spoken in the city and there are at least 50 non-indigenous communities of 10,000 people or more.

Key facts:

• London is a key visitor attraction with the number of people visiting the capital’s tourist and cultural attractions including galleries and museums in April 2009 rising by 20% to 3.6 million, according to figures from Visit London.After the financial and business sector tourism is London’s second largest industry.

• Male life expectancy in London is 78.2 years and female life expectancy is 82.7 years, both higher than the England average.

• Over 40 % of working age adults in London have a degree level qualification or higher, compared with 30.5 % in England.

• English is an additional language for over half of primary school pupils in Inner London compared to 15.2 % for England.

• Recorded crime in London to September 2009 has decreased by 2% since the last year and there has been an increase in the percentage of adults who agree that the police and local councils are dealing with the anti-social behaviour and crime that matter in the local area.

• London has the highest level of business start ups in the UK.

• London is the most ethnically diverse region in the UK. Of the 20 most ethnically diverse councils in the UK, 19 are in London.

• 32.5% of London children live in poverty (552,725 children) with 68% of these in lone parent families.

• 36% of children in London live in social housing.

• Employment rates in London are relatively stable at 70%.

• There were 28,302 new homes built in London in 2008/09

London is not the whole of Britain, and sometimes the rest of Britain has reasons to be grateful, because there are things that happen to London that shouldn't have happened to Sodom and Gomorrah.

Elsewhere in the country, if you have any money left after recent developments in the world financial market, you might have some hope of building your house higher if you want to, or even adding a bit on to it. In London that's harder, but it's still possible to build downwards. You can put some extra floors under your house.

At the bottom end they are mainly British, at the top almost entirely foreign. Thus out of the top 10 people in London and the South-east, only one - Sir Richard Branson - is British. Of the top 10 richest in Britain, as revealed in the latest Sunday Times survey, only three are British. The three richest - Lakshmi Mittal, Roman Abramovich and Hans Reusing - are Indian, Russian and Swedish.

Live of the wealth people in UK

At the top the rich fall into two main groups: global entrepreneurs who chose to relocate to Britain and tax exiles from continental Europe, in particular Scandinavia. Further down there are larger numbers of people who have come to London to make money, mostly in financial services, including many Americans and Britons.

So the conclusion of that statement is alot of rich people in UK have contribute in others jobs and they are leader.

Live of the poor people in UK

They had a rough and hard life, often ending up in the workhouse or early death.

* had few luxuries.

* ate food they could afford to buy

* worked long hours

* lived in damp, filthy conditions.

* Many children died of disease.

Being poor mean having little money or few possessions.

You need money to buy things such as food and clothes. If you don't have much money you can't buy many things.






Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

TPMI's assignment..


1. Why the flag’s name is Union Jack?

2. Why the crosses names were Saint Patrick, Saint George, Saint Andrew? Are those the names of important figures?

3. Why it was only Northern Ireland joined the England? Or in the other words, why the Southern Ireland didn’t?


1. Union Jack is the National flag of the British empire which was established in 1801 and the flag symbolizes the three countries that joined the Scottish, Northern Ireland and the England. Although term remains unclear origin, but many think about the origin of the name, some say that the name "jack" is derived from "jack-et" or scotlandia.dan British soldiers and others said that the "jack" comes from King James I who reigned in the first union in 1603, some are saying that the name may be derived from a kingdom that was issued by Charles I.

2. @ Saint Patrick

In the year 1782, the British recognized the exclusive rights of Ireland and to make laws for Ireland. To demonstrate the State's constitutional, warrior order called the Order of Saint Patrick founded the following year.Patrick was born around 385 or 390 in Bannavem Taberniae, a Romano-British town perhaps on the Severn. His father, Calpurnius, was a local council member and deacon and his grandfather was a Catholic priest. Patrick is not educated to be delayed for several years when he trained and became a priest. Patrick was death in 461 he left the land where the Christian faith is strong. He had also established a bridgehead for Christianity in the British Isles.

@ Saint George

Saint George is known as the patron saint of Europe because of his knowledge and bravery when saving a daughter with the stabbing and beheading a dragon and binding with a rope. At year 1098, George helped the frank Antiokha in a battle as a soldier. Since then, George was always seen as a saint because he often helped in the battle and often win.

@ Saint Andrew

Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, Greece and Russia and was the first disciple of Christ. There are around 600 pre-Reformation churches in England named after Saint Andrew, in contrast to Scotland's handful of churches of all denominations named after the saint. There are approximately 600 pre-Reformation churches in England named after Saint Andrew, in contrast to a handful of Scottish churches of all denominations named after a saint. Nevertheless, it was Scotland that adopted Andrew as its patron - probably because, of Saint Andrew being the brother of Saint Peter, it gave the Scots considerable political leverage with the Pope in pleading for help against the belligerent Home! However, it is Scotland which adopted Andrew as patron - perhaps because, Saint Andrew the brother of Saint Peter, it provides sufficient political influence with the Pope in Scotland pleading for help to fight against the English. When, in 1603, the new King James I and VI tried to create a united flag, the Scottish Saltire declined because of the cross have been given a lower position in the design. Scottish ships at sea persisted in flying the Saint Andrew's Cross. The ships remained at sea flying Scottish Saint Andrew's Cross.

3. The separation between Northern Ireland to the south of Ireland in 1949 after the first world war. Separation is facilitated by the existence of a regional system of regional or local governments that have developed in one by one fashion since the twelfth century. District based on the British system of government shire and submit them to meet the administrative functions in terms of justice, health, taxation and public infrastructure. They have a gradual evolution, and followed behind conquest. Dublin was a shire by the 1190s but the last county, Wicklow, was not created until 1606. Dublin is a shire the 1190s but the last area, Wicklow, was not created until 1606.